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Admissions Kiosk


First-Year Admission Requirements

We’ve gone test-optional! Students with a minimum high school cumulative GPA of 3.0 may apply to UM without taking the ACT or SAT.

All other applicants must have:

Minimum high school cumulative GPA……..2.5

ACT minimum composite score…………….……20

SAT minimum composite score……..…….…1030

Students with an ACT of 18 or 19 or 960-1020 SAT may be considered for regular admission on the basis of a scale of increasing grade point average.

Freshman Application Checklist

Application for Admission

$30 Application Fee

Official High School Transcripts

Standardized Test Scores (optional)

Transfer Admission Requirements

Cumulative transfer GPA…………………..…..2.0

Minimum Transferable Credit Hours………24

Transfer Application Checklist

Application for Admission

$30 Application Fee

Official College Transcripts from all colleges attended